Monday, November 3, 2014

Long Day!

I have been really bad at writing in this. I feel bad because I have this linked to my insta page and I haven't updated it since the summer. My goal is to write every day, even if it's not really intresting, but I need a form of katharsis because I have a lot going on in my life and I might want to look back at this at some point. So I really am going to update this more. I really don't care if there is no one looking at this. I am just doing it for me! 

So...this school year has been crazy. I am now a senior and it really doesn't feel like it yet, ask me in June. I was recently accepted into the University of Minnesota! I am really excited about that. Nothing else really big has happened recently. 

I had a long day today. I am in band and I played my trumpet 4 different times today. First, I had to get to school early for jazz band, which was fine for skipping the last two times. Then I had a quiz in Geo of Africa that I didn't study for but I feel fine about. 2nd hour, I had to drag myself up the stairs and be put to sleep by Asburys voice about calculus that no understands. **tangent alert** I am getting an a- currently in AP calculus which doesn't make sense because i have no fucking idea what I am doing, but I feel like a math class under this one would be relatively easy for people but no. I guess a lot of people in my grade think that a pre calc class is to hard for them so they are going to drop it. Like I get it, it's senior year and you don't want to do math, but these people are going to college next year and I think that you should be taking math all year so you are prepared to take a college math class. I'm sorry but I just don't get it. **done with tangent** anyways AP calc is hard and boring. Then I go to an 11th grade English class which is really boring,especially when the teacher just talks at you the whole time. After third hour I was off to the band room again(!) it was fine. Then college English, a joke. Then third year french where i am the only senior, but I do have friends, so that's really good!! Faris, the last hour of the day. I just sometimes just cannot stand physics, especially labs, which i learned that I have a new one tomorrow (FUN not) I just want to fall asleep sometimes because he is not saying anything important and that really bothers me. After school I went back to the band room for musical practice, which is fine. I went home, ate dinner, put my dress on and went back to the school and played my trumpet for the fourth time that day. We played fine but the most entertaining part would have to be the choir teacher SCREAMING at the choir when we weren't and were practicing for the joined song that had the whole band laughing (even pope). It was so rude when we were playing and the choir was in the audience and they were talking so loud that in the middle of the song, pope turned around and told them
"Would you please be quiet?!" It was awesome and they got quiet real quick. I am so tired and I still haven't done all my homework, story of my life right?!? Well hopefully tomorrow's post won't be so long!! Anyways have you seen my cute dog?! Soooo cute I just need to add a picture :) 

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